Last Friday I sneakily "assisted" [word used loosely] Sam, a lovely makeup artist, on a photo shoot inspired by Botticelli's Venus! The idea of a Venus inspired photo shoot at the National Portrait Gallery in London, on its own got me very excited!...Then I was told I would be applying strobe cream & moisturiser to 10 male models. IT GETS BETTER! She then informs me that the 10 male models will be wearing loin cloths..ONLY! hah so as you can imagine i was very very pleased! With the only girls being Venus model, Sam, the photographer, the hat designer & you can probably imagine, it was a bit of a perving session hah! I was very embarrassed on Friday evening as i realised all day i had been calling the loin cloth a "groin cloth" hah Ah well, i had a great time a look forward to seeing the photographs in WHAT! magazine soon :)
My two favourite collections! AHHH i almost fell head over heels for these. [hah..literally, i might as well have been on top of the official photographer]
"It all started from the BIG BANG. Collection inspired by evolution theory."
Right, after becoming obsessively addicted to several style blogs, so obsessed I resorted to checking my blackberry for updates & dedicating a colour coded notebook & listing my favourites haha. So, I have figured it is finally time to give this blogging thing a try and inspire more...